> 文章列表 > 何时开始准备过春节英文




When is the spring festival? It\'s in the lunar January the first.


When is the Spring Festival?

The Spring Festival, also known as Chinese New Year, is an important traditional holiday in China. It marks the beginning of the lunar calendar year and is celebrated by Chinese people around the world with various customs and traditions. The specific date of the Spring Festival changes each year as it is based on the lunar calendar, falling between January 21 and February 20 in the Gregorian calendar.

Preparing for the New Year is an essential part of the Spring Festival. It usually starts a few weeks before the actual celebration. During this time, Chinese families engage in a series of activities to ensure a prosperous and auspicious start to the new year. These preparations involve cleaning the house, buying new clothes, decorating with red lanterns and couplets, and stocking up on festive food and gifts.

One unique feature of the Spring Festival is the massive migration of people traveling back to their hometown to celebrate with their families. This mass movement, known as Chunyun, is considered the largest annual human migration in the world. People from all corners of the country, regardless of how far they work or live, make an effort to return home for the reunion dinner on the eve of the Spring Festival.

The eve of the Spring Festival, also known as the Lunar New Year\'s Eve, is the most important moment for family gatherings. It is a time when relatives come together to enjoy a lavish feast, exchange gifts, and watch the Spring Festival Gala on television. The gala is a nationally televised variety show that showcases traditional performances, music, dance, and comedy acts, entertaining millions of viewers across the country.

Overall, the preparations for the Spring Festival involve both practical tasks like cleaning and shopping, as well as emotional reunions and cultural traditions. It is a time of joy, reflection, and renewal as Chinese people bid farewell to the old year and welcome the new one with hope and optimism.

人们什么时候开始庆祝春节?英文翻译成 - 雨露学习互助

When do people start to celebrate the Spring Festival?

The celebration of the Spring Festival begins with great anticipation and enthusiasm among the Chinese people. It usually starts a month before the actual festival, with various preparations and activities taking place. People begin by buying traditional New Year goods such as fireworks, red envelopes, and special food items. This contributes to the festive atmosphere and creates a sense of excitement and joy.

Another significant aspect of the Spring Festival celebration is the reunion of families. Despite the busy lives and demanding work schedules, people make it a priority to return to their hometowns and be with their loved ones during this special time. The reunion dinner on New Year\'s Eve is an important tradition that promotes family unity and strengthens the bond between relatives.

In addition to the family gatherings, there are also public events and festivities held during the Spring Festival. Temples and parks are decorated with colorful lanterns, and cultural performances such as dragon and lion dances are organized. These activities showcase the rich cultural heritage of China and provide entertainment for both locals and tourists.

Overall, the celebration of the Spring Festival is a time of joy, traditions, and unity. It starts with the preparations and anticipation leading up to the actual festival and culminates in family reunions and community events. It is a celebration that brings people together, symbolizing new beginnings and hopes for a prosperous year ahead.

How do people celebrate the Spring Festival? (你怎样去准备过春节?)

1. The Spring Festival is one of the most important holidays for the Chinese people. Before the Spring Festival, there is a festive atmosphere in the air, and people are engaged in various preparations.

One of the main activities is cleaning the house. It is believed that cleaning helps to sweep away the old year and make room for good luck and fortune in the coming year. People clean every nook and corner, ensuring that their homes are spotless and welcoming for the New Year.

In addition to cleaning, people also decorate their houses with traditional Spring Festival decorations. One of the most common decorations is the red couplet, which is a pair of poetic phrases written on red paper and placed on either side of the main door. These couplets usually contain auspicious greetings and good wishes for the year ahead.

In terms of food, there are various special dishes and festive treats associated with the Spring Festival. One popular dish is Jiaozi, which are dumplings stuffed with different fillings. Eating Jiaozi is a symbol of wealth and prosperity. Another traditional food is Niangao, a sticky rice cake that symbolizes progress and advancement in the New Year.

When it comes to the celebrations themselves, people engage in various activities such as setting off fireworks and firecrackers, watching traditional lion and dragon dances, and exchanging red envelopes. These red envelopes, known as \"Hongbao,\" contain money and are given as gifts to children and younger relatives as a way to bring good luck and blessings in the New Year.

The Spring Festival is a time of joy, happiness, and family reunions. It is a time to cherish traditions, reflect on the past year, and look forward to a brighter future.

如何用英语表达“我们正在为春节做准备” - 懂得

We are getting ready for the Spring Festival.

As the Spring Festival approaches, Chinese people are busy with preparations to ensure a smooth and enjoyable celebration. The preparations for the Spring Festival are not just limited to physical tasks but also involve mental and emotional readiness.

One of the main aspects of preparation is shopping for New Year goods. People buy new clothes, shoes, and accessories to wear during the festivities. It is believed that wearing new clothes brings good luck and fortune in the coming year. In addition to personal items, people also stock up on food and beverages for the festive meals and gatherings.

Another essential part of the preparations is cleaning the house. Chinese families engage in a thorough cleaning process known as \"Spring Cleaning.\" This involves decluttering, dusting, and sweeping the house to remove any negative energy and make way for positive vibes in the new year. It is believed that a clean and organized home will attract good luck and prosperity.

Decorating the house is also a significant part of the preparations. Red is the dominant color during the Spring Festival as it represents happiness and good luck. Families hang red lanterns, put up paper-cuttings on windows, and adorn their homes with other festive decorations. It creates a vibrant and festive atmosphere, setting the stage for joyful celebrations.

Moreover, people also make travel arrangements during this period. Many individuals working or studying in different cities or even countries make it a priority to return home for the Spring Festival. The journey back home, known as the \"Spring Festival travel rush,\" is considered a challenging but worthwhile endeavor as it allows families to come together and celebrate this special occasion.

In conclusion, the preparations for the Spring Festival involve a combination of physical, emotional, and spiritual readiness. It is a time of anticipation and excitement as Chinese people embrace the traditions and customs associated with this important holiday.

Translation in English - The preparations of Spring Festival (春节前的准备)

Most families gather together to celebrate the Spring Festival. Before we have a wonderful Spring Festival, we will do some preparations.

One of the key preparations is cleaning the house. This cleaning process is done meticulously to get rid of any accumulated dust and negativity from the previous year. By having a clean house, it is believed that good luck and fortune will come in the new year.

Another important aspect of preparation is the purchase of festive goods. People go shopping for various items such as traditional red decorations, new clothes, fireworks, and food. These purchases are made to create a festive and joyful atmosphere during the celebrations.

Families also make sure to stock up on traditional New Year\'s food and snacks. These include dumplings, fish, New Year cakes, and various other delicacies. These delicious treats are not only enjoyed during the festivities but also intended to bring good luck and abundance for the year ahead.

Furthermore, there are also cultural and spiritual preparations. People visit temples to pray for a prosperous year and make offerings to deities. They burn incense and make wishes for good health, success, and happiness. This spiritual connection strengthens the sense of hope and positivity as the new year approaches.

In conclusion, the preparations for the Spring Festival go beyond just physical tasks. They encompass cleaning, shopping, and spiritual practices, all aimed at bringing good fortune and happiness to the individuals and families celebrating this joyous occasion.