> 你该怎么办 > 排球这个单词怎么读


前言:排球英语怎么说volleyball 音标:英 [vlibl] 美 [vɑlibl] 释义:n. 排球;排球运动 例句: 1、Volleyball is a team game 排球是一项要求全队默契配合的运动 2、We are going to play n


volleyball 音标:英 ['vɒlibɔːl] 美 ['vɑːlibɔːl] 释义:n. 排球;排球运动 例句: 1、Volleyball is a team game 排球是一项要求全队默契配合的运动 2、We are going to play neither basketball nor volleyball...


volleyball英 [ˈvɒlibɔ:l] 美 [ˈvɑ:libɔ:l] n. 排球(运动) 排球; 女排; 美国女排; 老女排 (1)Valerie earned letters in three sports: volleyball, basketball, and field hockey. 瓦莱丽在排球、篮球和曲棍球...


volleyball 音标:英 ['vɒlibɔːl] 美 ['vɑːlibɔːl] 释义:n. 排球;排球运动 例句: 1、Volleyball is a team game 排球是一项要求全队默契配合的运动 2、We are going to play neither basketball nor volleyball...


英文排球术语 裁判、场地、赛制 umpire 主裁判 Net umpire 副裁判 scorer 记分员 linesmen 司线员 Team doctor 随队医生 referee’s platform 裁判台 Match sheet 记分表 Volleyball court 排球场 Mesh 网眼 Net cord 网绳 Net post 网柱 Own cou...




排球场地 volleyball court 鱼跃 fish dive 一方场区 court 钩手飘球 over float 对方场区 opponent's court 一次扣杀 direct spike 发球区 service area 上手传球 overarm pass 进攻线 attack line 钩手扣球 windmill smash 判台 official&...


volleyball 排球里面局点叫set point或game point 赛点叫match point 关键的转折性的球可以叫做 key ball 漂亮的拦网得分叫 great block 或 nice block 反正就是*** block 漂亮的扣球得分叫 nice drop shot 打沙滩排球 play beach volleyball be...


1. play volleyball ...,甲表演打篮球(play basketball)、乙表演踢足球(play soccer)、丙表演打乒乓球(play ping-pong)、丁表演打排球(play volleyball),同时让全班同学说出英语;第三,甲、乙、丙、丁四位同学听全班同学说英语后分别做出相应...


“排球”的英语为“volleyball” 英式读法:[ˈvɒlɪbɔːl] 美式读法:[ˈvɑlɪbɔl] 英英释义:Volleyball is a game in which two teams hit a large ball with their hands back and forth over a high net. I...


volleyball 属於不可数名词,单复数都是volleyball N-UNCOUNT 排球 Volleyball is a game in which two teams hit a large ball with their hands backwards and forwards over a high net. If you allow the ball to touch the ground, the oth...
